参考文章:MVP for Android: how to organize the presentation layer:
回答:The MVP pattern allows separating(ˈsepəreɪt 使分离) the presentation layer from the logic.
For an application to be easily extensible( [ek'stensɪbl]可扩张的) and maintainable([mein'teinəbl]可维修的),we need to define well-separated layer.
Separating interface from logic in Android is not easy,but the MVP pattern makes it easier to prevent our activities end up degrading into very coupled classes consisting of thundreds or even thouds of lines.
回答:One of the most popular patterns( ['pætənz]模式) to organize the presentation(展示) layer in Android Application.
MVP is not a architecture by itself,it's only responsible for the presentation layer.
5、如何编写mvp模式的代码, model view presenter各自的职责是什么?也就是不同层里面需要写入那些代码?
回答:With MVP we take most of logic out from the activities so that we can test it
There are many variations of MVP and everyone can adjust the pattern to their need and the way they feel more comfortable.
I will show how I usually work, but I want this article to be more a place for discussion rather than strict guidelines on how to apply MVP, because up to there is no “standard” way to implement it.
Model:only be the gateway to the domain layer or business logic.it is enough to see as the provider of the data we want to display in the view.
View:usually implemented by an Activity(it may be a Fragment,a View……dependingon how the app os structured),will contain a reference to the presenter.
The only thing that the view will do is calling a presenter method every time there is a user action(a button click for example)
Then, the activity can implement those methods .
The view uses the presenter to notify about user interactions.
Presenter:The presenter is responsible to act as the middleman between view and model.
It retrieves data from the model and returns it firmatted to the view.
回答:MVP only models the presentation layer,but the rest of layers will still require a good architecture if you want a flexible and scalable App.
An example of a complete architecture could be Clean Architecture ghough there are many other options.
MVP has some risks, and the most important we use to forget is that the presenter is attached to the view forever. And the view is an activity, which means that:
- We can try to update activities that have already died
Imagine you send a request to a server that takes 10 seconds, but the user closes the activity after 5 seconds. By the time the callback is called and the UI is updated, it will crash because the activity is finishing.
To solve this ,we call the onDestory() method that cleans the view:
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